What’s New in Capture 2018

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Capture 2018 Edition has several major improvements…

Capture 2018 is the new edition of Capture Visualisation software, and there are major improvements for users!

With the release of Capture 2018, the software is now using DirectX on Windows and Metal on macOS. The change of rendering technology from OpenGL to DirectX and Metal brings better performance and stability as well as opening possibilities for future development.

Capture Sweden have also made several improvements to the export of DXF and DWG files as well as the export of patch data to the grandMA2 lighting console.

Several new ladder and triangular truss pieces have been added to the library, along with the ability to update trusses from the library.

There is a whole new Design Tab.

The Design tab is one of the most central parts of Capture’s user interface.

With a new, larger, category choice on the left hand side that does not have expanding sub-items it is easier to drill down to the project content you wish to work with without the visual clutter of other content.

The Views category offers the settings of all views at the same time. This reduces the risk of accidentally changing the settings of the wrong view and makes it easier to compare settings between views.

Most project content categories are based on a list of items accompanied by Add, Delete and More.. buttons. This makes it possible to select, delete and manipulate multiple items at a time, crucial for larger projects.

Most content categories use either a property table-style or item list with details-style design. This makes it possible to perform modifications of multiple items at the same time, such as for instance layer colors, material properties or the addition or removal of layers from filters. It also allows for sorting by any property.

New Universes and Library Tabs

The redesigned Universes tab makes naming and sorting universes much easier. The right-hand side of the tab also features an immediate full function miniature view of the universe, reducing the need to open a separate interfering window.

The redesigned Library tab makes it much easier to find the items you are looking for. It loads much faster, and offers a new  “filter” function which operates only on the selected category, minimizing the risk of finding irrelevant items when searching.


New reporting options mean more comprehensive reports that are easier to prepare.

More plot options than ever before including a new “snap” feature – snapping in the plot editor will easily create exact and neat looking plots.

File format and protocol updates;  new mapping of media to LED panel moving heads and visualization of LED panel moving heads; A new Hue Clamp view option that allows you to choose whether you wish to prioritize colour intensity accuracy in the visualization; new WRGB mode for texture generators.

And many more new features are packed into this updated version of Capture 2018!

Contact us today for a demo or to enquire about purchasing a Capture 2018 edition for your visualisation software needs.

Read more about Capture Software HERE   or  HERE 

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