Privacy Statement of Clearlight Shows Pty Ltd
Our privacy policy covers Clearlight Shows Pty Ltd and its Website:
Organisation: Clearlight Shows Pty Ltd
A.B.N: 74 533 979 125
Address: 5 Horscroft Place, Moorabbin
Postal Address: PO. BOX 2395, Moorabbin
State/Province: Victoria
Zip/Postal code: 3189
Country: Australia
Privacy Support
If you have any enquiry about our privacy policy, please contact :
Name: John McKissock
Address: 5 Horscroft Place, Moorabbin
Phone: +61 3 9553 1688
Fax: +61 3 9553 4401
Privacy Compliance
Linkage Characteristics: Our Web site enables you to communicate with other visitors or to post information to be accessed by others. When you use these services, your data may be collected by other visitors. Our Web sites include links to third parties Web server: Web Central Purpose Specification and Data Collection. You can access our Web site home page and browse our site without disclosing personal data. We collect your personal data only with your knowledge or your consent.
Our Web sites log information about you that is automatically recognised by the Web server, such as your IP address, domain name. For more detail on these data and the reason why we log them, please click here Except this automatically logged information, we do not collect any other data about you. We collect the personal data that you volunteer on registration, order, survey, competition, or other forms, or by email whereby personal information is collected securely and stored in a secure database.
We use cookies in order to hold session information, improve security during a visitor’s session online. We store the following information in cookies: name, session (number, key), duration, pages hit. We may associate the information stored in a visitor’s cookie with other personal data about that visitor.
All our employees and processors who have access to your personal data and are associated with the processing of that data are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your personal data.
Visitor Choice
You may choose to receive promotional or marketing information from our Web site or organisation by clicking a box at the point where our site collects personal data. You may also choose to receive promotional or marketing information from Clearlight Shows or other organisations. You can indicate this choice by clicking a box at the point where our site collects personal data. You may also choose not to receive promotional or marketing information from Clearlight Shows or other organisations. You can indicate this choice by clicking a box at the point where your site collects personal data.
We do not disclose your personal details to any third party. We ensure that your personal data will not be disclosed to State institutions and authorities except if required by law or other regulation. Individual Participation/Access You can ask us whether we are keeping personal data about you, by sending an email to: Upon request, we will provide you with a readable copy of the personal data which we keep about you. We will provide the information within a week without any charge. We allow you to change the data that we hold about you, by erasure. Security We have implemented technology and security policies, rules and measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from: unauthorised access, improper use, alteration, unlawful or accidental destruction, accidental loss.
Direct Data Collection Details
Purpose(s) Data Technical administration of the web site, Research & development, Customer Administration, Marketing, purposes: the visitor’s domain name the visitor’s e-mail adress the visitor’s IP address Information about the visitor’s computer system Aggregate Navigation and Clickstream Data/HTTP logs Visitor-specific Navigation and Clickstream Data/HTTP logs Transaction Data.
The Privacy Principles of the OECD
Guidelines Collection Limitation Principle
There should be limits to the collection of personal data and any such data should be obtained by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the data subject. Data Quality Principle Personal data should be relevant to the purposes for which they are to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete and kept up-to-date.
Purpose Specification Principle
The purposes for which personal data are collected should be specified not later than at the time of data collection and the subsequent use limited to the fulfilment of those purposes or such others as are not incompatible with those purposes and as are specified on each occasion of change of purpose. Use Limitation Principle Personal data should not be disclosed, made available or otherwise used for purposes other than those specified in accordance with Paragraph 9 [Purpose Specification Principle] of the OECD Privacy Guidelines except: a) with the consent of the data subject; or b) by the authority of law. Security Safeguards Principle Personal data should be protected by reasonable security safeguards against such risks as loss or unauthorised access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure of data.
Openness Principle
There should be a general policy of openness about developments, practices and policies with respect to personal data. Means should be readily available of establishing the existence and nature of personal data, and the main purposes of their use, as well as the identity and usual residence of the Data Controller. Individual Participation Principle An individual should have the right: a) to obtain from a data controller, or otherwise, confirmation of whether or not the data controller has data relating to him; b) to have communicated to him, data relating to him within a reasonable time; at a charge, if any, that is not excessive; in a reasonable manner; and in a form that is readily intelligible to him; c) to be given reasons if a request made under subparagraphs(a) and (b) is denied, and to be able to challenge such denial; and d) to challenge data relating to him and, if the challenge is successful to have the data erased, rectified, completed or amended.
Accountability Principle
A Data Controller should be accountable for complying with measures which give effect to the principles stated above. This privacy statement was generated from the OECD privacy policy.