Clearlight Shows and Highlite International

Clearlight Highlite Infinity – The new standard in LED for Theatre


There’s a new standard in high-quality LED lighting fixtures for theatre – The Infinity Signature Series from Highlite International. Developed in collaboration with Robert Juliat, the Infinity Series not only provide the uncompromising performance that theatre LDs demand, they deliver it at a lower cost than their well-known competitors.

Clearlight Shows is therefore excited to announce their new partnership with Highlite International, and will be importing the full Infinity range. Clearlight will also support a selection of other Highlite products that suit the Australian market, including Infinity moving fixtures, which also offer exceptional quality at affordable prices.

Clearlight will be demonstrating these exciting new products to the Australian market in a series of one-on-one demos, shoot-outs, and events. The Highlite range will also be available for sales and hire, so stay up-to-date with stock availability and the demo event calendar at




About Highlite International

Highlite International, based in The Netherlands, is one of Europe’s leading suppliers of event technology equipment.  The team at Highlite International are at the forefront of lighting technology and market responsiveness, continually updating and refining their products in response to current innovations and developments in technology.

The fully automated warehouse at the Highlite headquarters in Kerkrade ensures orders can be filled and dispatched in record time, dramatically reducing turnaround on purchases.


Highlite International share Clearlight Shows’ core values; dedication to bringing you the best quality products, at great value, with exceptional customer service.

You can browse the Infinity range at Clearlight’s website at


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