Phillips Selecon

philips_selecon_logoThe passion, which was responsible for the formation of Selecon in 1969, continues to this day, along with the commitment every day to work towards providing better tools with which to light the stages, museums and galleries of the world. It is the wide range of specialised products that differentiates Selecon from the rest of the field.


fresnel_thumbVariable, soft edge beam of light, often used for colour washes, highlighting and modelling. Beam can be shaped using barndoors. Innovative design, new materials and passive heat management system deliver cooler focus knobs, front accessory slot access and rear grab handle touch points – no need for gloves or tools!


Click to view Fresnels


arena_pc_spot_thumbCrisp beam of light. Often used for highlighting and modelling as well as area illumination. Lens luminaire delivering a crisp edged beam which adjusts easily from a defined spot for dramatic highlights to flood beam for controlled area illumination. Slightly wider range of beam angles. Beam can be shaped using barndoors.


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architectural_thumbDistinctive and specialised display luminaires with an unrivalled history of technological innovation. Versatile, functional lighting instruments which extend the solutions available to designers with higher performance through excellent optical system and product design together with unique safety features. Wide choice of light sources to meet output, colour quality and energy efficiency requirements.


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